
Week of June 19th - June 23rd

 Hello families, PAT season is in full swing. I have been so proud of how seriously students are taking their exams and the effort they are putting in to have this be a good first standardized test experience for them. We are making sure to try and reduce stress as best of possible and taking trips outside to get fresh air while the weather is so nice.  Students are encouraged to finish up any last tasks they have left for the year. We are winding down quick here and with Sports Day and Farewell assemblies next week, we will be wrapping up our last assignments and projects Monday and Tuesday.  Sports Day is Tuesday afternoon! Stay tuned for more information to come out about the picnic lunch for parents to come to (unless it was already sent out, I am planning Sports Day and still somehow out of the loop).  Grade 6 Farewell will be on Wednesday afternoon at 1:30pm. Grade 6 families please, please, PLEASE if you haven't sent me a baby picture of your kid, do so this w...

Week of June 5th - June 9th

 Hello families, This week students have been exploring connections in Social Studies and were challenged to write a speech for the Legislative Assembly based around an issue on Provincial Parks. The students that weren't able to complete it have been tasked it for homework this weekend. You can check in on Google Classroom to see how they are able to pick a position and use their understanding to persuade others.  In Math, the grade 6 students have finished up their graphing unit and we have begun reviewing topics. We have started back at place value and I will send home packets of their work at the end of the week for you to see how they are doing on their review. I placed a review checklist in Google Classroom for them to go through and identify areas they feel strongly in and areas they could use some extra review. Grade 5's have continued looking at volume and building to explore the concept of volume. They started looking at likely and unlikely outcomes in probability an...

Week of May 30th - June 2nd

 Happy June! If you would like to order this month's fun lunch, head to  Healthy Hunger  to order before Saturday!  This week we have been spending more time with our poetry and how to respond and reflect to the poetry we are reading. We went to the pond and wrote some poetry as well amongst the ducks and geese. Students have continued their practice with figurative language and identifying its meaning and purpose within a text.  Grade 6's have been creating surveys for their class to complete so that they can create different graphs and present the information they have learned. This ties into their own understanding of how to create surveys, graphs and interpreting the information they have gathered. Grade 5's have been working on their probability skills and measurement as they have been exploring volume.  This week in Social Studies we have started to break down the processes within Provincial Government and the students created a voting brochure/pamphl...

Week of May 22nd - May 26th

 Hello families, I hope the kiddos enjoyed the long weekend and are ready for another one next week! We took advantage of the sunshine and went outside to play volleyball for PE and we will try to get out even more next week.  We had our student vote today which was exciting to see the students using their voice and making informed political choices. They spent the week researching parties and a platform issue that is important to them this election. Hopefully this will engage them more into the rest our of Provincial Government unit.  We have continued our Poetry unit and have begun reading and interpreting poetry. We will continue this into next week as we practice reading comprehension with poems and figurative language. In Math, the Grade 6's had a practice Part A Math PAT (15 computation questions), ask them how they did! We will be doing one more practice creating unbiased survey questions and creating graphs based on that data. The Grade 6's will be wrapping up thi...

Week of May 15th - May 19th

 Hello families, Thank goodness the smoke is clearing out! We got to go outside again today (hooray!) This week the Grade 6 students had their first PAT. I am very proud of them for the hard work they put in and I am sure it is a big relief for them to have this first one done. The rest of their exams are not scheduled until the last two weeks of school.  In Social Studies, students have begun exploring Provincial Government. We will be learning about the different regulations around elections and the different areas of Provincial Government. We will also be participating in Student Vote next Friday and comparing the results to the actual election votes. In Science the students have been looking at footprints and the information you can gather from the size, stride, depth and type of shoe.  We have moved into Poetry for ELA. Students have started creating poems about themselves to add to the art they are creating and next week we will be analyzing and critiquing poetry pi...

Week of May 8th - May 12th

 Hello families, We had a great week getting to meet with Elder Harley Bastien. We met him at the pond and hopefully the students appreciated the experience. We have our fun lunch this week if you wanted to get in your orders before the weekend with Healthy Hunger .  In Math the Grade 6's reviewed graphs and interpreting information. They created a survey for the class and had to choose two ways to display this information. They needed to address the mean, median, mode and range from the data they gathered. Grade 5's reinforcing parallel, perpendicular and intersecting lines and discovering them in everyday places ie. maps.  We have finished our Social Studies Local Government unit. The students have completed a test which I will hand back Monday for them to bring home and get signed. I think the test was a good reflection of those that have been engaged in the unit. We will be moving onto provincial government this week and getting into St...

Week of April 24th - April 28th

 Hello families, It was a great first week starting our Trickster residency. The students are creating a performance around the theme respecting others. There will be an opportunity to see the performance next Thursday, more information to come from Mr. Lang.  In math, Grade 6 students have wrapped up their understanding of angles, polygons and triangles. They are able to measure with a protractor as well as draw their own angles. They created a quilt on graph paper to show the different angles and explained the angles they used in their patterns. The Grade 5 students have been exploring volume and measurement and have started planting a garden to help with measurement and graphing later on.  In Social Studies we have been exploring the services and roles within local government. Students will be comparing the roles/representation within urban, rural and other local government structures. In Science, students have been practicing their ability to observe and pay attention...