Week of December 12th - December 16th

 Hello families!

This week students have been expanding their understanding of prefixes and suffixes and expanding their vocabulary. We have been diving into our novel "A Rover's Story" and the students have been reflecting on the story and its characters very intentionally. 

In Social Studies, students have been researching for their debate next week. The students were given a democratic pillar and had to research what ways Ancient Athens demonstrates that pillar and how they did not. Students had to research both sides before we established what side of the debate they would be on to ensure they would be ready to rebuttal and understand both perspectives. 

In Science we have created trading cards to display what they have learned and researched about the planets in our Solar System. The cards are to have a description of the planet along with interesting facts that they have learned! The cards are now on a key ring that they can attach to their visual journals to keep them safe. 

In Math the Grade 6's have been working on their understanding of Perimeter, Area and Volume this week. Meanwhile the Grade 5's have been continuing their adventure into long division. 

If the students want to share any special food or recipes for the Winter Solstice there is a Google Slides on our Classroom that they can fill out. This is optional! It was a cute idea for the students to be able to share without physically sharing food. If they do want to bring something for their own lunch on Wednesday that is special to them we will have cards for them to write down what it is to share on the day as well. 

I am still on the hunt for volunteers if any of you are available for Open Minds February 6th - 9th. 


Here are some fun activities for the month for students to partake in if they would like:

- Monday December 19th: Merry Monday Toque Day (Wear your coolest toque) 

- Tuesday December 20th: Tinsel Toes Tuesday (Wear your silliest socks)

- Wednesday December 21st: Winter Solstice Lunch/Wear White or Blue for Winter Wonderland

- Thursday December 22nd: PJ Day (Last day of classes)

Have a wonderful weekend!


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